• +48 12 617 55-42
  • electrospin2024@agh.edu.pl
  • Kraków, Poland

Andrei Stanishevsky

Andrei Stanishevsky is a professor of physics at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB). He holds a BS/MS degree in Electrical Engineering and a PhD in Physics and Mathematics with concentration in Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. Before joining UAB in 2002, Dr. Stanishevsky was a postdoc at PennState and research faculty at the University of Maryland. Dr. Stanishevsky’s specializes in functional nanomaterials and structures based on 0-D (nanoparticle) and 1-D (nanofiber) constituents for catalytic, energy, environmental, and biomedical applications, as well as in the plasma methods of materials processing, phase development and interface phenomena in multiscale nanostructured materials. Dr. Stanishevsky has published over 125 papers and 4 book chapters on relevant topics. During the last ten years, Dr. Stanishevsky has trained more than 70 students in nanofibers and nanofibrous materials in various international settings.